3 Steps to Spotting Opportunity in Markets With Dominant Players


Originally published in Entrepreneur Magazine

By Jen O’Neal

OK tech entrepreneurs, you have your idea for a startup, the first round is funded, and you’re going to change the world, right? Great.

Here’s the good news: You have a chance. Even in markets with dominant players, there’s always room for making processes and products better, bigger, smarter. Remember Physics 101? We live in an ever-expanding universe. The same is true in this economy if you have the right idea and the guts to go after it.

The bad news? Everyone — including your competition — knows the good news.

Even Jeff Bezos has had sleep-wrecked nights worrying about some cocky, caffeinated code-jockey who might dis-intermediate his empire. Believe me, someone out there is trying.

See, there is no “game over” in the internet economy. No matter how big the business, new opportunities exist and always will. The trick is how to see them and exploit them before anyone else.

With all this in mind, here are a few things I’ve learned about seizing opportunity while building Tripping.com…

Read the full article at https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294807

Jen O’Neal is the founder and CEO of Tripping.com.