Don’t underestimate the No. 1 threat to your business

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Originally published in Financial Planning

By Yvonne Kanner

The world set an ominous record in late November, when more than 12.5 million spam emails were unleashed in less than 24 hours by what has been called the largest malware botnet in history.

Any users who opened infected files associated with the attack quickly had their systems taken over and saw a ransom demand on their screen.

Or consider the rogue employee who was allowed to use her personal laptop for work and ended up downloading and stealing all a firm’s client information.

Both these scenarios really happen and they will likely occur again.

The problem is so overwhelming that both companies and clients turn to what psychologists call “avoidant coping,” aka, burying their heads in the sand.


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Yvonne Kanner is President and COO of Fiduciary Network, which provides capital to registered investment advisors.