Why London Is Becoming a Global Blockchain Hub


Originally published in Entrepreneur

By Benjamin Yablon

As the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves, London is emerging as the major financial capital likeliest to become the global hub for the nascent industry. Other potential major hubs, such as the United States, should take notice or risk a brain drain as entrepreneurs move their startups to friendlier locations.

The combination of a strong judiciary, friendly regulations and access to capital and the global banking system is making the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia attractive to blockchain and crypto entrepreneurs.

Similarly, offshore locales such as Bermuda, Malta and Mauritius are also making great strides to develop a regulatory framework that will encourage blockchain and cryptocurrency innovation.

Shaping the right regulatory framework is vital because startups can move, almost overnight, to a new location. A case in point is Miami-based cryptocurrency startup CBlocks, which recently announced it would move to Canada where regulatory expenses are significantly lower.

The economic implications are huge.

Read the full article at https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/318570


Benjamin Yablon is cofounder of SALT Lending.